Virtual Buddy

Your go-to support in Colombia, anytime, anywhere!

Bogotá | Medellín | Cartagena | Santa Marta | Barranquilla | Cali | Bucaramanga | Coffee Area

Virtual Buddy for travelers or administrative needs

  • Plan your holiday itinerary before you arrive; let us help you decide what to visit in Colombia based on your interests.
  • Whether it’s changes in flights, cancellations, courier services, or a translator, we can assist with anything you need.
  • Consider practicing or learning some Spanish before your visit.
  • We assist you with anything you need virtually or by phone, including going to locations to run errands.
  • We can assist you with setting up appointments, making reservations, sending gifts to anyone in Colombia, resolving issues, planning your itinerary in Colombia, locating items, finding doctors, and more
  • Find the right professional to help you with specialized tasks or jobs when needed.

Types of Virtual Buddy

For Traveler Needs

For Administrative Help

Request the ideal Virtual Buddy for your needs

What can a Virtual Buddy do for you?

Here is a list of the most frequently requested Virtual Buddy services:

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